Sierra was struck by a pickup truck riding the gravel road to Tinton Trail, June 4th. She called me telling me she had been hit by a truck and he kept going! Oh boy this is a bad call. Needless to say I was glad I was available to get there quick. She was hurtin for certain, but I was glad to see everything where it was suppose to be? I was ready to look for the red pickup but the emergency room was best. She ended up with a couple breaks in the pelvis and some seperations of the joints. It was worse than I expected and not minor injuries. Glad she is still with us but she will be down for 3 months! No snowboard camp or Five-0. She was training to do it again this year. She was the youngest girl to finish it last year at 13 yrs. old.
Be careful out there. Sierra was doing everything right. Heard the car coming, looked back and got to the far right. No oncoming traffic lots of room and then ca-boom! Drove her into the ground hard enough to break her, helmet and bike.
Breaking news they caught the guy! No details on his status or reasoning for leaving the scene!
Flow like honey and Bees Careful.
More ride updates, trail pics and June 20th Summer Solstice Cyclism
Tinton Trail Time Trial Stupor D- INFOmation.
Storming the Storm Mountain XC race on June 13th.

I am from Omaha, I hope everything turns out o kay. Best wishes to the daughter and the family.
PJ, Hope Sierra is doing great in her recovery, Our thoughts are with her and your family. B & K Fried, Mandan, ND
Wow Perry,
I just happen to read your blog today. I had no idea that Sierra got hurt by some dumb a**. Here is wishing her a fast and speedy recovery!
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