If you did not receive your 2009 T-shirt be sure to contact me. I sent out T-shirts to out of state riders and left the others at local bike shops. (You should have been contacted or left phone messages).
Les is working on the Oh-Ten design for the 10th, I am sure it will represent well. Thanks for checking in, I will continue to post updates as the trails begin to dry.

If your interested in spectating or participating in the 3rd Annual Mikey P Jam check the website and holler back with questions. It is a snowboard and skiing slopestyle event at Terry Peak Ski Area. Mikey P was a child hood friend who took the snowboarding world to new levels.
The kids are getting rad! Be sure to check it out, if in doubt air it out!
Is that split ride photo from the Black Hills?
No that is not the Black Hills! It is near East Angle on Togwotee Pass, mid January this year.
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