Dave Olson and Kelly Magelky setting a tough pace.
Brad Bingham enjoying the fast pace!
The 10th Annual Dakota Five-0 went off. There were 500 riders for this year's decade loop. The 6am hot mic check was a cool 50 degrees. The blue skies and rising sun warmed it up to a nice temp in the upper 70's for a nearly perfect riding temp. The trails were buffed and dusty and testing riders technical skills. Most of the riders had dust goatees and nice dirt tans.
The ride started out as usual plus an extra hundred riders from last year! The neutral roll out mass start is something to be seen. Smokey drops his hand for the start and riders roll out of Spearfish Park through town to the 3 mile gravel road climb. It is a hum of tires whirling and gears clicking as we try and keep the roll out slow and safe.
With energy building riders entered the gravel and hammers were dropped. There was a lead group of about 12 riders by a mile into the gravel. Dave Olson, Kelly Magelky, Josh Bezecny and Brad Bingham set the fast pace for the Tinton Trail Single Track. Brad Bingham eventually took a commanding lead and entered the single track with a 15 second lead over Josh, Dave, Kelly. As the rest of the riders came up to the trail there developed a bottleneck that quickly dissolved into the trail. The first 7 miles of trail was well groomed and riders could keep up a good pace if not caught behind someone too much slower.
The Aid Stations were rocking with riders and spectators and the volunteers were keeping up!
Thanks to them all and many compliments were said about their hard work. Most of the aid stations are 10 year volunteers! We doubled our volunteer base this year and it was a good thing.
Sean Burns brings out the Dakota ranch wear and wins the Spirit of Todd Andrew award for being tougher than nails. A Felt Military Cruiser was awarded.
A Close second for was Bacon Man!
Speaking of Bacon the "Unofficial" Aid Station, the Bacon Station Was sizzling. With DJ Kelly and Christian in charge it was sure to be a party!
Just wanted to let you know it wasn't all fun and games out there. Back in the park there was some serious kids racing going on. We had a strider bike open class that was 17 striders deep! Two pedal classes with 6 and Under and 11 and Under. All kids were awarded graciously with Smokey Bear water bottles.
Enough for now, I got results to work on and get back to you for more details from the awards ceremony. Thanks to Bayleaf Cafe, Spearfish Chophouse Whiskey Bar, and the Crow Peak Brewery for the good grub and drinks at the park. Live Music was enjoyed from Noise Tractor and Dan "Irie" Sherrill.